In accordance with Board Policy 2.230, there will be up to 30-minutes allocated for public comments with up to three (3) minutes per public comment speaker concerning items on the Board agenda, as well as communication, petitions, reports from citizens or representatives of other public agencies. The Board President has set up to 30-minutes as the length of time for the public comment section of Board meetings, unless the specific Board meeting agenda indicates otherwise. Commenters should please remain respectful at all times and refrain from mentioning names of employees.
Public Comment Process
Anyone wishing to speak at a meeting should write their name on a slip of paper located at the entrance and place it in the box prior to the start of the meeting.
Sign-up will be available starting at 6:30 p.m. for Board meetings and 5:00 p.m. for Committee meetings.
The board secretary will call the speaker's name at random as they are pulled from the box.
There will be up to three (3) minutes per public comment speaker
The board secretary will give a reminder when speakers have 30 seconds left.
Click here to obtain the meeting agenda. The Board Meetings continue to be live-streamed for viewing on the District’s website.