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Elmhurst Community Unit School District 205 serves more than 8,400 students throughout one early childhood center, eight elementary schools, three middle schools, one high school and a transition center. Our vision is that all students will be College, Career and Life Ready. We achieve this vision by Educating, Engaging and Empowering all students throughout their Journey of Excellence.

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  • D205 Icon

    Elmhurst Community Unit School District 205 serves more than 8,400 students throughout one early childhood center, eight elementary schools, three middle schools, one high school and a transition center. Our vision is that all students will be College, Career and Life Ready. We achieve this vision by Educating, Engaging and Empowering all students throughout their Journey of Excellence.

  • Teachers with advanced degrees icon

    65% of D205 Teachers have Advanced Degrees

  • Languages spoken icon

    There are 58 Languages Spoken in D205

  • teacher icon

    There are 717.45 Certified Teachers in D205

  • Demographics Icon

    D205 Serves a Diverse Population of Students

  • test

    All D205 Schools are Exemplary and Commendable

  • Student totals icon

    D205 Serves Nearly 8,300 Students Across 14 Buildings

  • Teachers with advanced degrees icon

    65% of D205 Teachers have Advanced Degrees

  • Languages spoken icon

    There are 58 Languages Spoken in D205

  • teacher icon

    There are 717.45 Certified Teachers in D205

  • Demographics Icon

    D205 Serves a Diverse Population of Students