Guide to the Board of Education
Communicating Concerns
At every open meeting or hearing, the Board allows any member of the public to provide comments. Citizens who wish to speak must sign the speaker’s roster prior to the start of the public comments portion of the agenda. Speakers are allowed three minutes to address the Board and must begin by stating their name and local address.
Many issues are often best served by addressing a teacher or principal directly. Please see the section on Communication Guidelines below on who to address with a particular question or concern.
Community Input
The Board welcomes input from the school community and offers numerous opportunities to provide feedback. Community members can address the Elmhurst District 205 Board of Education either in-person at regularly scheduled meetings or via email. At board meetings, there is a 30-minute public comment period set aside for public input. It is the Board's practice not to directly engage in discussion or ask or answer questions with the individuals addressing the Board during public comments. This allows the Board sufficient time to listen and conduct regularly scheduled Board business. Please note that individual members of the board have no authority other than voting on official actions at board meetings. Please see the next section on Communication Guidelines about whom to address your question or concern. You may also contact any individual board member by email, address or phone and may write to the board as a whole by emailing board of education or sending correspondence to 162 S. York, Elmhurst, IL 60126, or phone (630) 617-2304.
Communication Guidelines
It is our desire to respond to stakeholders' concerns and/or questions as quickly and effectively as possible. In District 205, the Communication Guidelines refers to communication levels of authority in the school district. The value of having an established Communication Guidelines is an efficient tool that provides a roadmap when reporting concerns or communicating with school staff members. Policy 3:30 references that the superintendent should develop a Communication Guidelines.
Many issues are often best served by communicating directly with the affected staff member. For example, if an issue pertains to a specific student and/or class, it is advised that the parent contact the teacher directly. If the issue pertains to a specific school, it is advised that the parent/resident contact the principal of that school directly.
The goal is to communicate first with the staff member who is nearest to the situation. We recognize that each situation is different, however. Information on who to contact with a question or comment using the Chain-of-Command structure is listed below. Please note that you can search for a District Office employee by name or by department on the directory page.
Progression for Addressing Concerns
Concern(s) | First Contact | Second Contact | Third Contact | Fourth contact |
ATHLETICS, CLUBS, ACTIVITIES | Coach, Sponsor | Activities Director/Athletic Director (if applicable) | Principal/ | Fine and Performing Arts Coordinator |
CAFETERIA/FOOD | Principal | Director of Food Service | Director of Business Services | Assistant Superintendent of Finance & Operations |
CURRICULUM/TESTING | Teacher | Department/Division Head (where applicable) Principal/Assistant Principal | Interim Assistant Superintendent for Teaching & Innovation | Superintendent |
CUSTODIAL/CLEANING | Principal/Assistant Principal | Buildings and Grounds Manager | Director of Facilities | Assistant Superintendent of Finance & Operations |
DISTRICT TAXES/BUDGET | Director of Finance | Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations | Associate Superintendent/ |
| Educational Assistant | Principal/Assistant Principal | Director of Human Resources | Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources |
| School Nurse | Lead Nurse/ Assistant Lead, Assistant Director of Special Education | Principal/Assistant Principal | Assistant Superintendent of Student Services |
| Counselor/Social Worker/School Psychologist | Principal/Assistant Principal | Director of Student Services | Assistant Superintendent of Student Services |
PARENT | Teacher/Coach | Principal/Assistant Principal | Associate Superintendent | Superintendent |
POLICIES (DISTRICT) / LEGISLATIVE ACTION | Executive Director | Associate Superintendent | Superintendent | School Board |
SPECIAL EDUCATION | Teacher/IEP Team Members | Principal/Assistant Principal/Department Chair (York) | Director/Assistant Director of Special Education | Assistant Superintendent of Student Services |
STUDENT | Teacher | Counselor/Social Worker/School Psychologist | Principal/Assistant Principal | Associate Superintendent/ Superintendent |
TAXES/BUDGET (DISTRICT) | Director of Finance | Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations | Associate Superintendent / | School Board |
TEACHER | Teacher | Principal | Director of Human Resources | Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources/ Superintendent |
OTHER SCHOOL-BASED STAFF | Staff Member | Principal | Director of Human Resources | Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources |
TECHNOLOGY ISSUE | Administrative Assistant | School Tech Assistant | District Tech Support | Executive Director of Technology |
TRANSPORTATION/BUSES | School Administrative Assistant | Principal | Administrative Assistant of Finance and Operations | Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations |
When a situation cannot be resolved at the first-contact level, then it should be taken to the next level in the Communication Guidelines. After utilizing the progression for addressing concerns, further questions may be addressed to the superintendent at superintendent@elmhurst205.org.
The purpose of a school board meeting is to transact the legal business of the school district through discussion and voting among the members. Specifically, the Board’s role is as follows:
Hiring and evaluating the superintendent
Determining the district’s vision/mission
Developing effective policies that support the district’s vision and mission
Approving expenditures and planning for financial stability
Adopting new initiatives that move the district forward
Representing the voice of the community served by District 205
The Board welcomes the opportunity to hear from community members regarding the above topics. Community members can address the Elmhurst District 205 Board of Education either in-person at regularly scheduled meetings or via email. At board meetings, there is a 30-minute public comment period set aside for public input. It is the Board's practice not to directly engage in discussion or ask or answer questions with the individuals addressing the Board during public comments. This allows the Board sufficient time to listen and conduct regularly scheduled Board business. Please note that individual members of the board have no authority other than voting on official actions at board meetings.
To ensure concerns that are raised at Board meetings are effectively addressed, the Board may redirect the concern or question to the appropriate official(s) in accordance with the Communication Guidelines.
Additionally, any student, parent/guardian, employee, or community member should notify any District Complaint Manager if he or she believes that the School Board, its employees, or agents have violated his or her rights guaranteed by the State or federal Constitution, State or federal statute, or Board policy, or have a complaint as referenced in Board Policy 2:260.
Board agendas, meeting minutes, schedules and supporting materials are available on the district website. All Board meetings are paperless, with all public documents posted online the Friday prior to a scheduled meeting. As an added convenience for our school community, Board meeting video and audio files are posted online, aired on local cable, and are available at the Elmhurst Public Library
Board meetings are open to the public, except when the board moves into closed session based on specific Open Meeting Act exceptions outlined in the meeting agenda. However, the Board must vote on any action in a public open session. A complete schedule of meeting dates is found by clicking on Board of Education Meetings.