Board of Education
Community Groups
Alumni Association meetings are typcially the third Tuesday of the month, with some exceptions.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, Sept. 17, 7:00 pm. 150 Schiller, Elmhurst (meeting room)
Mission Statement
The mission of the York Community High School Alumni Association (YCHSAA) is to inform and connect alumni; support current York students; and preserve York's history and traditions.
Regular: A Regular member is a person who attended York as a student for at least one day and whose class has graduated. Regular members include graduates and non graduates.
Associate: An Associate member is a person who did not attend York. This may include teach-ers, administrators, employees of York, spouses and parents of Regular members, and supporters of York. Associate members do not have voting privileges and may not hold elected or appointed
Membership Fees and Dues
MEMBERSHIP IS FREE! There are no fees or dues. Funds to support the Association and its initiatives will be raised through donations and fundraising events through donations and fundraising events.
How to Sign U
It takes less than five minutes! Go to the
Member Benefits
Participate in all Alumni Association meetings and other activities
Propose and discuss matters of interest to and for the welfare of the Association
Have access to the Association bylaws and events schedule
Regular members may run for elected office and be eligible to serve as voting members
Receive issues of the electronic newsletter
District 205 website: www.elmhurst205.org/alumni
click on "update your personal information". After you submit your information, you are an up-to-date member of the Alumni Association! Rest assured, your information will not be forwarded to any other organizations.
Stay up to Date
Unless you choose not to, you will receive an electronic newsletter telling you what is going on with the Alumni Association! Or, you can check the District 205 website/alumni for even more current information!
Stay in touch with your fellow York graduates and your alma mater. Join the York Community High School Alumni Association today!